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I'm sorry if this has been pointed out already or if this comes across as rude, I'm just trying to give some advice. 

A couple of things I've noticed are that some of the things being said are WAY too small too read, or even notice they're there, such as when Seth is trying to cheer you up on day 6 in his route.

Another thing is that there are several inconsistencies in the story, such as Dorian saying he has gym 3rd period and then showing up in gym during 4th period, or when John makes plans at 12 and then 2 for day 7.

Honestly, once these small problems are fixed up, this whole VN will be amazingly made. Once again, sorry if all of this has already been pointed out or if I'm being rude. And if this hasn't already been pointed out to you, I actually feel bad about potentially adding more to your workload after what happened with your computer. Sorry!