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Orichalcum is a 9 page, 1-5 player mapmaking rpg about finding your way through the ruins of the empire that long ago exiled your people and broke the world.

It's got lovely art and a lot of small, cool interior illustrations. It's also layed out in a way that makes it extremely easy to read.

You will probably want the downloadable tiles, and it may be a little tricky to play remotely, but the game does a good job of handing you prompts that you can expand on. It's *really* focused on building your island / the empire's cultures and comparing them, but there's a lot of room for creative freedom within that concept, and the gameplay doesn't feel confining.

Overall, I would recommend this to groups that like short storytelling games. It's an excellent one-shot, and also potentially a way to build an interesting island setting for an adventure in another system.