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My Jam is a 30 page school dance larp, where the catch is that the player characters are also music-fueled mages.

In-setting, when your song is playing, you become invested with extraordinary power. When someone else's song is playing, you have no power. Despite the larp having a facilitator, this creates a sort of soft player-GM role, where at most times what one person says goes.

There's risk here, but the game dedicates a *lot* of energy to limiting the disaster potential of the setup. There's clear safety tools, fallback safety tools, additional safety tools, and further guidelines, all explained to everyone as part of the facilitator's script. For designers writing safety tools of their own, it may be worth grabbing a copy of My Jam purely as reference.

Overall, if you and a bunch of other people you know like dancing and larps, I'd recommend buying a copy of My Jam. If you're like me and dancing just doesn't parse in your brain for some reason, this is still a solid read, and a great example of how to build the framework for a larp.