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bitch, i am fucking crying, this game played a game with my emotions sooooooo damn hard ;-; and now i am so anxious for something more ;-; also, is it possible to make the MC "visible" ?  like a photo of him/she, or an pic of an interaction with the other characters?

Like, when you go on June route, the scene that the MC kiss June, i really missed a pic of it happenig, it would be very cool, and maybe the game should be like Amourous, in the MC thihng, like, in amourous you can chose the apearence of the MC, and the game shows the MC, and it is always the same thing that you have made in the character creation, its just a sugestion but it would be very cool.

P.S- i am from brazil so, sorry if something is written wrong, also, i really love your game <3