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Thank you very much for your feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

I would be interested in knowing more about the glitches you are talking about. 

What I know for sure is that what you describe as self love is normal haha. The pet, when he has at least one baby around him, and after some time without you having reachable target around you (more specifically at the exact time the timer for the attack cooldown ticks), the pet will express its happiness for being outside with its kind friends / family. 

And yeah the animation is making you unable to move at this time, I think I'll remove that anyway, at least I'll make it cancelable. It's the same kind of animation you have at home with the pet, where you cannot do anything more at the same time.

Sometimes, against the gunners and their blue repel shields, the pet can seem to behave strangely. That could be because you are too far away from him, split away by the enemy shield.  FYI the pet, the player character, and the babies are using the physics engine to interact with each others. With the leash on top of that it's really difficult to avoid strange behaviors! :)

I'll try to fix them, if you could give me more details about your weird experiences haha ;)



I think the issues were because of the higher level. Maybe the timer counting down too quickly? 
Yea the "self love" animation I think you understand that one. The other was a kind of almost vibrating motion, as if doggo was having dificulty making a choice. With this issue I could very slowly still move. 
As for the secret passage, I did "find" it but only because I had gotten a hint in the comments. :-) 
I hope your take away from me is that it's a great game and that I really enjoyed it. Only reason I got issues really is because I played it for a while longer than maybe this build intends. :-p 


Haha exactly, you went far beyond what I tested myself! 

I see indeed the issue, because you were too high level, the attack timer is 0.1 minimum, but that's still very fast, so I can imagine your pet not wanting to do anything in the middle of the field. Also, because your range was really big (I guess the whole level) your pet can attack anywhere there, I should try to see how it goes in this case. Technically, the target is chosen by checking your range area, taking the first enemy in it, if there is no enemy then it chooses a breakable environment object (a tree).

Thanks again for your feedback. Thanks to you and the other comments I have a few ideas on what to improve now!


Happy to help :-)