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Thanks for responding! Yeah, it's a feature I'm looking for. Would implementing it be difficult? (also I understand that you have said before that you can make a rope more rigid by increasing the time steps. does this decrease performance by a large margin?)

(3 edits)

No, it should be really straightforward. I can add it to the next version!

Regarding increasing the number of time steps, you can do this in two ways:

a) Decrease the Physics.fixedDeltaTime value: This can potentially have a large effect on the performance, depending on how complex the physics in your scene is in general. It will result in much better interactions between the rigid bodies and the ropes in the scene though!

b) Increase the number of sub-steps of a particular rope: This has very little performance impact as that part of the code is really fast. The downside is that it mostly affects the rope in question only.

(1 edit)

:( i thought this was more affordable than getting obi rope; i was gonna just get it for a fun project i was doing and now its almost the same price. quite disappointing.

Yea I decided to increase the price because of the low number of sales. Maybe you'll be able to catch it on a sale!

(1 edit)

oh, alright that makes sense. i'll keep an eye out. thanks!

Ok I changed my mind about this and lowered the price instead, let's see what happens...