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Please make a marvel or dc superhero chapter. And a star wars one bro I love all the chapters so far and I think these would be great additions


I would really love to play like a Star Wars game like this I mean you have ahsoka pad me and so many more and dc and marvel I don’t need to tell you to edit 😉


It's defenitely in our list of options too, but 1 chapter out of 2 is voted by the patreons and we also took a vote about redoing the first chapters (because it was made on lower budget and it gives a bad look at the game introduction. But we don't intend to stop, we have a lots of ideas with the game, so it will probably be done at some point ;)

Okay that is really good to update you’re old games sooo when does the little game updates coming out

you mean the main game? The release will be in october, we still have a chapter to release in september first

No I don’t meant that you said you gonna update you’re old games I though you make on chapter 1 or idk like new content like putting more pictures 

We will completely redo the chapter 1, with more fitting story, better art and use of the universe characters

That is nice do you that to all of you’re games or just the games with not a fitting story 

P.s when will the new chapter 1 come I mean the update

maybe the first 3 chapters, we'll see since we still want to release new chapters too. Chapter1 should be around November