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Deleted 2 years ago

Well, ads must exist on free games, on mobile, on PC, there won't be ads, but in mobile, the only way to remove them is like paying, why ads though, well, people will pay the devs so they put advertising on the game, its the only way to get money in enough quantity


Ok first of, free mobile games have ads for the devs to earn money. Unlike in the pc version that doesn't show ads, they have to charge you money instead to play the game.

Second, this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The "Free games with adverts are horrible and normally show bad quality" part. Think of what to say next time bud :)


there are some games thatt are just ads...

but JEEZ, DO. NOT. PUT AMONG US IN THAT CATEGORY. its one of the first games where i dont care about the ads. If there was a button on the mentu to watch an ad, i would click it even if i got nothing.


That is not my point. Read it more carefully. I am not going biassed towards Among Us having ads, I just explained how devs need ads to earn more money.

The part where he said "Free mobile games with ads are horrible and show bad quality" sounded like he was going against Among Us having ads. Of course I had to step up to explain to him.

Was the part you read from me the one in the second pharagraph? Bcuz I didn't say it, the other guy did.