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aoi: earth ^^ 

Sho: ooooooooooh. After the tea could you show me some Earthbending.

aoi: i guess so ^^

Sho: yay!

Eri: *comes with tea in her hand and places it on the table along with 3 cups*

???: *sits down*

Eri: Lei. could you get another cup.

Lei: oh ok. *gets up* *goes to kitchen*

*sho and eri sit down*

aoi: *sip* *opens up her bag* *a lil turtleduck crawls out* *gives le tea to the duck*

Eri: *sips tea* *does "I'm watching you" motion to Aoi*

aoi: ???? 

(1 edit)

Lei: *comes back wit cup*

aoi: ? 🤨

*lei sits down and they're sipping tea peacefully.*