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My bad- I just started using the program and am not familiar with all the formats, or it could be that my old fat fingers don't type well on this little keyboard.  VC not CV, got it.  Thank you for making the distinction between an instrument and a single voice, that is very helpful. I will try that today and see if it works for me. There is an odd thing that the program does which is replicable, and that is when I go to add the voices to the slots 1-8, or A-H, it only brings the dialog up the first time I go into the screen. If I go out of the screen and back in to add more voices, I can't get the dialog to come up again. It says 'add', but no 1-8, A-H at the bottom of the screen. When I try to add another voice without that 1-8, A-H, it doesn't work. I end up having to quit the program and restart it to get that dialog back. Just letting you know. Thanks again!