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???; well. Welcome welcome. *you go in and there's a couch and a small table along with a small kitchen wherever you want it to be* I'm Sho.

???: *walks down some stairs that lead to 3 rooms*  h-h-hi. I'm Lei. Nice to have you ma'am. Oh! I assumed gender again! I'm sorry! 

Sho: she's a nervous breakdown when first talking to people. So anyway. Want some tea? It's already brewing.

aoi: don't worry! If I were you I would have massaged my gander as well, but I am indeed a girl. . . Oh yes please! I love tea :3

Lei: oh. Ok.

Sho: have a seat! Eri should be done with the tea any moment now! Also I see some blue... are you water nation? bc if so I would LOVE to know more.

Lei: oh no. Not this again.

assumed* sorry typo

And gender* -w-

Aoi: oh ok :3 -sits down- . . actually yes I am!

Sho: eeeek! *she sits next to you* *a girl comes in with tea and places a kettle and 4 cups on the small table then her and Lei take a seat*

aoi: :> 

Eri: *sips tea in silence*

Lei: Eri! Say hello to the guest! As the oldest and most responsible I am in charge and while this kind woman is here you will remember your manners!

Eri: fine. Hey person I never met in my life before and completely do NOT trust.

Lei: ERI!

aoi: don't worry it's fine! That's honestly kinda expectable from most people ^w^'

Eri: *continues sipping tea*

Lei: Eri. Could you heat up my tea. It's gotten cold.

Eri: ugh. *uses firebending to heat up tea* there. Happy.

Lei: thanks.


I gtg bed