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This was a great read for sure, and I really can't help but appreciate your writing and the humor, which definitely made me laugh a lot. 

The characters, the protagonist (or well-- "pro"tagonist) and Geno were really well-thought out and it's really nice to read their interactions between both of them. 

It was somewhat hard to read on full-screen since the texts were small (along with the background contrasting it). I would also suggest little things like ambient music or some visual/auditory appeals to help with immersion (though, it's nothing too bad to stress about if you're planning on it!). 

But overall and so far, this was really great and you did an amazing job!  Good luck on your future updates! I can't wait to see more of your developments for this game.

I'm so glad to hear that!

I was worried about Geno's and Protag's conversation a lot, I thought it was like when I have a conversation with my friend, it's funny to me but no one else. Er.. if that makes sense.

I think music would help as well, but I'm not always the best at picking out the tunes, so I'll probably have to contract out for that. 

For visuals, I didn't really consider it. But, I have a idea I'll try out in a update and see how it sticks.

The text and background have been mostly reworked thanks to you and everyone's inputs, hopefully it'll be more readable this time. 

I never actually tested it in full screen mode, so that one is on me. Thanks for letting me know!  I'll see about changing the text size to fit any screen changes.

Thanks again for the review and for playing!