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Very nice work and dedication to the original works. However, there are bugs that I'd like to mention.

Attempting to leave the bow dungeon can result in a fatal error. Entering has caused the program to hang as well.

You can throw held items during a screen transition (such as when leaving the grave sub-area), and you won't be holding it afterwards.

The Stalfos enemies may take no knockback from sword slashes.

Holding spin attack drops Link's speed to far below what it was in A Link to the Past, which is what I assume the move is based off of. In addition, the spin attack originally created a hitbox around Link, not just around his sword.

Because recovering from falling down a pit does not seem to grant invincibility frames, you can be repeatedly knocked into the same pit by an enemy without having a chance to escape, since you would respawn on top of the enemy in question.

The shopkeeper who sells Heart Containers and Bombs mistakenly calls the player "link" instead of "Link".

Fired projectiles from Deku Scrubs can travel through screen transitions.

Nevertheless, this is very nice, and I hope to see this game grow!