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Firstly let me begin by complimenting your phenomenal work. I admit that up until five minutes ago, I didn't even have an account, nor did I have any plans to have one. But I couldn't simply leave your game uncommented upon, not with how fantastic it is.

I'm not even finished with my first playthrough yet, but I'm completely enthralled. I want whole novels about this universe! I want to know about all the in between adventures Anton, Florien and Ciel go on! ( With Yvin tagging along at their heels of course. ) I have fallen wildly in love with not just these characters, but also your storytelling.

( And speaking of Yvin it has been a long while since a game character has made me crack up nearly as much as he does! )

I think one of my biggest problems with Otome games is that all the female characters seem to fall into the same, stereotypical, ditzy, I-could-be-you-if-you-squint types. But Ciel is something new! Refreshing! Likeable! Fun! She's someone I myself would love to be friends with, and that's something remarkable in a character.

Most Otome games I play through once to follow my favorite guy, then skip through a second or third time just to get the juicy bits on the other guys I liked. But with your game, I want to put it down for a few weeks and pick it back up to follow another line so I can appreciate the whole story again. I mean, everyone from Ciel to Ven to Ais I am invested in!

And that's not even mentioning your gorgeous artwork! ( Which speaking of, you haven't got a Tumblr by chance have you? Maybe a Pixiv? I want to keep track of you and all your fantastic projects! ) The details are just enough to be entrancing without being overbearing and the subtle changes in expression really make the characters! And god your BACKGROUNDS!

You've made me want to finally stop ducking around it and try my own hands at making an Otome game. Truly.

I could ramble on endlessly but truth be told, the fabulous music of your game calls me back to finish Florien's route. And I'm downloading Magical Otoge Anholly right now!! I'm so glad you made another game!

Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication that went into this game. You've done everyone a marvelous service by allowing it to be played for free. When I have some more money to my name, I fully intend to be back with a donation for both games.