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I played through your game, at first I thought it's gonna be just a game about fighting off monsters but after playing and failing 3 times, this is how I interpret it:

The monsters as described, represents cyberbullying, racism and all the super negative stuff happening. You can fight them, but every time you fight them, you risk getting hurt. You can run through them, but energy is finite and eventually they will catch up to you, hurting you as well. You can rest to recuperate energy, so you can run again, but there's no way to recuperate health. TBH I love the metaphor as it represents mental energy (the energy bar) to fight off these negative news. Sometimes we just need to take a break and do a news/social media detox, then we have the energy again. If we keep fighting head on, eventually our emotional energy (the health bar) will deplete and never recover. So ultimately there are 2 ways to deal with negativity - confront/fight it head on (which is risky but eliminates the problem), or let it pass (running away, bit it's akin to sweeping it under the carpet and will still haunt you eventually) 

Also loved the usage of sound!!! The introduction to the monsters using stingers really worked out.

- Gwen

Thank you for playing the game and your positive feedback! Glad you got the message as a player! I was a little worried players might not get the message so clearly haha.. Do let me know if you have pointers for me to improve on as well! :FeelsGoodMan: