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(1 edit) (+1)

Is this game like battlefield where you earn weapons from achievements, or is the game pay-to-win? (also i was still downloading it when i posted this comment.)


I am replying to my post because this is a pay -to-win game. no one likes pay-to-win games, people want games that you can earn weapons from and there needs to be more graphics options like resolution and FOV changes (NOT WEAPON FOV). all in all i think that this would be a very good game on the steam market and this game has very high potential, the last thing i want to point out is that this game would also be very good if it worked on low-end pc's and laptop's. keep working on the game and i cant wait to see the final release.


The weapons in the market are locked because they are not ready at the moment, so their gun ranks are high. We will release a new update soon, and newer weapons will come.

Since the game is in beta and some features are in testing, we have just upgraded them to an inaccessible level instead of removing them from the game.

One of the things we focus on is performance.

It is definitely not a "pay to win" game. 

Nobody will be disappointed in this regard.

- Serdar