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I feel like the start of a game is here, but it wasn't fully implemented. Also, telling the player exactly what to do before they see any of the mechanics in my opinion is not a good idea. If you really need to tell the player what to do, you can give a message next to the specific mechanic you are talking about. ex: next to the water and coffee machines "press 'e' to pick up" or something.

Having no sound I feel really took away from the game, this game would benefit so much from sound. Like if the boss started yelling or you could hear the water in the pipes draining or you could hear the pipes breaking. Also, if you could hear picking up and dropping off coffee / water, as well as fixing the pipes. So basically having no sound made it feel like only a tiny bit of the game, even though all of the mechanics are implemented.

It is a good idea for a game in my opinion, though :)

Also for some reason I was getting a lot of stuttering/lag I don't know what that was about