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Awesome prototype, feels good to play! :) 

Is it hard to implement a ghost for replays? Especially handy you are doing an online leaderboard. Another idea might be a speedometer on the UI so you can tell what the fastest and slowest movement speeds are, and timestamps at the checkpoints so you can compare splits. 

I felt like it was kinda hard to judge when you were at the very edge of a platform. Especially if I was crouched I feel like that height difference was messing with my ability to judge when the last second to jump was and I kept falling off. 

But I guess for a game like this runners are gonna have to learn how to nail that for the best times no matter what you do. 

I prefer crouch on CTRL since c is hard to get to with wasd for me. 

Again, great prototype! 

I will think about the ghost mode again ( I have thought about it, too ) .
The checkpoint part time will come that's sure ;) 
The edge judgement feedback  is great, I'm gonna polish that thank you . 

Thank you for your feedback, I keep developing. Stay tuned for more updates ;)