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Hero Too is a 5 page superhero rpg that uses a fairly impressive list of touchstones (including Mob Psycho, Lumberjanes, plot ARMOR) as well as journaling mechanics to tell a story about the interconnection between superhero identities and trans identities.

Because its subject matter gets heavy, and because it's a journaling game, Hero Too includes a really neat mechanic where you can green/yellow/red content as it comes up, thereby ensuring that if you inadvertently write in an element you don't like, it isn't automatically caught up in the narrative momentum, and you can absolutely just throw it out.

Hero Too also has mechanics for debriefing after writing, and comprehensive content warnings on its recommended media.

Gameplay-wise, Hero Too steers away from a more simple "roll a die, write a prompt" approach and encourages basically a sequence of short stories. It gives you the framework to do this, too---and although it encourages you to roll a die and skip whole swaths of "issues" in your comic book, you could easily ignore this and write a full mosaic novel.

In fact, I think Hero Too has a really strong niche as a game for people who want to get more comfortable writing short fiction. Its framework encourages writing full, self-contained stories, and it reliably hands you prompts to help you do so. Hero Too also gets a lot of its mileage out of its quiet moments, and this gives it the potential to hit really hard---it also makes me glad for all the safety framework it has.

Overall, I would recommend this to folks who like writing, and who feel okay with facing some discomfort while exploring an identity. I would also enthusiastically recommend this to anyone who is interested in game mechanics, because it does a ton of things all at the same time, and it does them all really well (including and especially connecting color to game mechanics, using mechanics to frame storytelling, and setting up guardrails that allow plays to tackle difficult topics while staying safe.)