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I downloaded this game yesterday and it's absolutely boring.

I've only played Finn's route.  Everything it's just random, Finn falls in love with no reason at all, 5 songs or less during all his route which two of them are the most played (the happy song when you're somewhere but the abandoned places and the piano song when you're in abandoned places), some with slightly changes of the ones mentioned above so you get bored of it. The mc it's like "My parents only worry about my marks, I do nothing but studying and i don't have friends, i'm so stressed, oh look! How interesting is this i'm gonna ignore them from now on and know anything from them even though i've been stressed my entire life". Finn's like "Oh, idc to die but don't you dare to die. Omg you were right and i could have risked your life, you should be hating me rn" and the second right after it's like super caring???? In real life when someone says "Hey, it's not your fault" you aren't like "Oh, that's right i'm happy now". You regret for a while, and the MC wouldn't set aside everything so quickly if she was so stressed.

It's sad that could been such a good game if it were realist. I am not trying to discourage, but to improve. Sorry if it's rude.