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Just finished... what a fun play that was! Great finale too.

I really loved the feel of this game...  gritty and tough. And the "save" points (completed levels) are sparse, but make for a good challenge as you progress but not frustratingly so.  Maybe because the level randomness makes the level replay fresh enough each time I don't mind forging through a level several times. I can't tell you how many work meetings this game got me through.  :)

I love how tough and unique the creatures were the further you went through the game.  At the end they were pretty freaky but still each had a weaknesses and/or approach you could take if you pay attention.

I'll definitely follow you to see what other games you've made and/or are working on.  Is there a good place to follow you?

I see some don't seem to like the flash, shake and crunch each time you land on a new level, so I can appreciate that.  But I freakin' love it! Just really adds a nice touch to round out the environment you're in. 

Finally, I ran the Windows version in Linux via Wine. And it was flawless from start to finish. 

Thanks for the great game!