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This is a really solid game! We're only about 20 minutes into it, but this is something we definitely want to make a full series about on our channel! The art is beautiful and the wordplay gave us a hearty case of the giggles! We'll be stopping by every now and then to give our feedback as we progress through the game.

We made a video of our experiences and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed your game!

Thank you so much! I'm truly thrilled that you liked it! I think I answered you guys on youtube, but I had so much fun I thought I should answer here as well! Great videos, really, that Ginger voice is going to be canon, CANON

Thank you!!!

Just so you guys know: I will probably launch this game next year, not so sure yet. A crowdfunding campaign will be held around mid august this year, if you're interested in maybe helping the full project come to life! I will be announcing here and in social media! Thank you again! <3

We had a ton of fun picking this game back up! We still can't believe this is just an Alpha version of the game when it feels like a fully fleshed out game!