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Hello, this game looks absolutely stunning! the artwork makes me drool and the atmosphere is magical. But i have a problem, I play using my PC, and i don't have a controller. and because of that the controls are really hard to figure out (i can't figure out what i should press to let him stand on the red matted wall ;-;). What can I do about this problem? or is there no way? :(

I REALLY want to play your game so it would be amazing if you could tell me if there's a way to play it on PC.  Thank you.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello there!

Thank you for your comment!

Actually there are keyboard inputs :) This game was designed for the Nintendo Switch initially, that's why we highly recommend playing with a controller.

Nonetheless if you wish to play with your keyboard AND your mouse, here are the inputs. You will need your mouse to play!
I need to warn you, we are French, thus we developed the game with French keyboard inputs! (just install a French keyboard on your computer and switch inputs, it is simple)

Mouse Left button: Poke action (using you violin bow, can be performed in various directions: up / down / left / right pressing ZSQD respectively)
Z: up input for violin bow use
Q: run towards the left / violin bow use towards the left
S: down input for violin bow use
D: run towards the right / violin bow use towards the right
A: Play your violin (Y input on a Xbox Controller)
Space bar: jump (analogical, the longer you press, the higher you jump)
P: Pause Menu (presse again to exit menu)

Space bar in-menu: Confirm

Hi there. Is there any way I can keybind them to what I prefer? Thanks