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Rustangelo App

Rustangelo is an automatic sign painter for RUST. · By Rustangelo

Why wont it fill in the rest?

A topic by Competitive created Jul 13, 2020 Views: 636 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 7

Pretty much it wont finish filling in the rest of the spaces. like it wont fill in the background or the rest of the faces and i have pro


Can you post a picture of the dithered image, or right before you paint? It looks like something went wrong during the dithering process.

This is the dithered picture

Again here like what am i doing wrong i left all the setting as they were i havent touched anything. if anyone could help that would be great.

if someone can please help i just want to use what i paid for

its like it doesnt want to fill in one color like look at the grass and the blue sky that isnt filled in it just did the outlines and not the rest

I have figured out the issue it is the setting called draw lines to speed up the painting that is causing all the issues i have been having. plz look into this bug rustangelo