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Thank you for being open to criticism. Not everyone even in this, usually friendly, community is.

I've been thinking about one thing and that is nsfw scenes for Tora. His route was never finished (maybe in Japanese Idk), so there's no art for him. To be honest, I don't think I've ever played the very original, let's say core game, only Morenatsu Revisited and Homecoming, though I'm not certain about it. What I'm getting at is I don't know, is there artwork made by you or are all of the pictures from the original? 

Oh also, Is Hiroyuki (the MC's name in the original game, Revisited and Homecoming I believe) a human or a furry/antropomorphic animal? I was hoping for a furry, but since you used the old art entirely he's going to be or already is a human, right?

Well, I'll think about it. For now I don't really have much to say, maybe after an update or two.

Good luck and Cheers! Thank you very much aswell~


Hiya! Tora will have his own NSFW scenes, I have an artist working on it!

With regards to Hiro, he's human in my VN :)

Thanks again!


That's awsome! 

Human? Boring. ;) But I can learn to live with it. ^^

Actually, both of us got Hiroyuki's nickname wrong, it's Yuki not Hiro. If you want you can include both. *shrug*

Take Care~