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(2 edits) (+4)(-1)

Visually impressive, but the level design reeks of "where the fuck do I go". The Dream Campaign's gameplay doesn't encourage much outside of finding the path forward, and there's little incentive to fight any enemies as they pose no threat besides sucker punching you as you get bounced around like a pinball all over the place. This made it difficult for me to bother taking in what's going on, as there's usually too much happening on-screen to process any of it. Also the shoot'em up sections were monotonous and felt wholly unnecessary. I noticed a gift box that required 3 keys to unlock in the second level, but why would I want to waste my time bouncing all over a level with no clear landmarks to find these keys so I can see what's inside? To me it feels like a wasted secret, whatever it may be.

I made it to the second boss, LooneyMan, and stopped after dying to him thrice. Boss fights in general simply felt like it boiled down to slapping them constantly while avoiding their attacks until they die. LooneyToon seemed to do it the best since I wasn't able to properly process what was going on around me to effectively defeat him.

The Original Campaign fares no better. The criticisms regarding the enemies in the Dream Campaign carry over, except instead of sucker punching you they do...absolutely nothing, if you keep moving. On top of that, though, I don't get why your horizontal movement would be reversed when you switch gravity. The first and second bosses have a wide gap in difficulty: the first was piss easy while the second boss threw so many things at you I gave up trying to figure out how to properly fight it. It also killed me in one shot with an attack so that helped soured my desire to defeat it.

I decided I saw enough of what the game offered and didn't bother with the ULTRAMEGA campaign.

The writing is middle school level stuff where it tries its hardest to be "haha random fourth-wall breaking funny" and as a result comes off as overtly obnoxious. The mugshots here also look more like placeholders than proper visuals. This belies the rest of the game since it seemed to be a more serious thing. Maybe this is the intent, and if that's the case, it's most definitely not my style.

If I had to describe the game as a whole, I'd call it a shitpost. Its levels shit bumpers and springs to confuse your sense of direction, the bosses shit projectiles everywhere that it's hard to determine where it's safe to stand/jump, there's a lot of shit to collect that effectively only bolsters your limitless healthbar, and the character dialogue and story scenes feel like one.

At least the visuals (mugshots notwithstanding) and music is nice.