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Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it. 

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?



Age: ?

World 56788107Y

Favorite Weapon: Her untrust feelings and thoughts

Food: Uncertain and broken futures, fear, doubts and "?"


Blood Type: ?

Hobbies: Doubt of everything and destroy help other people lifes.

Friends: THE DUNGEROUS LIES she doubt of that too

Height/Weight: ?/?

Can I create a character for this to plez? ;v;

Of course! This is a open story for everyone who wants to use it. You can create your own characters, NPC stories and create your own gangs with unique backstories or whatever you want. 

Just don't say that this is your OWN story or post in any other comunnities or social media without my permision.

Have a fun with your creatividy!

oh ok thanks for letting me! :>

Your welcome!

Also copy and paste the text and add some of the information just to anyone know that it's my story

You don't need to credit me! YAYYYYYYY



(1 edit)

Soooo, you finished?

Sorry for that, i'm BORED