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Killer Challenge <(  ̄^ ̄)(θ(θ☆( >_<

Name: Cleo (Cléo in portuguese)

Age: Almost 13

Location: Somewhere in Brazil

Like: My cat, play videogames, draw, see memes, watch some animes, listen to music, write fanfics and read some books.

Dislikes: Social interactions, people.

Favorite Food: Coxinha and Brigadeiro (Brazilian food)

Least Favorite Food: Lettuces, vegetables and fruits.

Personality: Lazy, creative, simple, annoying, funnny, weird, quiet.

Quote: I... don't really have a reason for my... crimes. But they deserved...

No backstory  இ௰இ

I love your creations !! <3I think they are very similar to me kkkkk, I'm Brazilian, so I used Google, I hope everything is right * - *
(1 edit)

Oh! It's that so? I use it too. I'm so happy to find someone very similar to me. I hope we can be friends!

Eu não sei porque eu escrevi em ingles mas tá ai

e, na próxima vez que for copiar algo no tradutor, coloca no "colar como texto sem formatação", ajuda muito ^ ^

Deleted 3 years ago

Também espero que a gente possa se amiga *-* e valeu pela a dicakkkk(se eu soubesse que tu era br kkkk)