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I've uploaded it here. It needs an explanation (README), license (if you have one in mind), and example for how to download and/or participate (probably in the README). If you have any GitHub/git experience, feel free to join in and help. Otherwise, I'll do some updates when I can. :)

I believe GitHub recently-ish updated the free plan (which I'm using) to allow unlimited collaborators, so those doing updates should be able to just follow GitHub Flow and not worry about forks/etc. We can have approved testers (probably you, most importantly, unless you want to delegate more) to make sure any updates play well, then push those changes to the master branch, which is what normal users will play with.

For users who don't want to give updates, you should be able to direct them to just download the most recent master from GitHub (or bundle it into your application releases/updates) and/or search for just the single airport they want.