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Thank you so much! I’m glad you like my game.

Once upon a time I had enough local larper friends to run games this size easily. but most of the runs I’ve facilitated have been at conventions. I’ve been thinking of creating an online setup where there are multiple chat rooms, so people can talk in smaller groups. If I come up with something viable I’ll definitely add it to the game page so folks who have the game have access to it.

I cannot take credit for the Cartesian casting method, but I do claim credit for having made up that name just now. I think I first saw it in Factory Reset, by Ash Kreider, which was the inspiration for Did I Fall Asleep. And the fun thing is that your exact casting location varies depending on who else you’re playing with and on whether you’re answering the questions on behalf of yourself or on behalf of the character you want to play.

The interaction between required characters and topic exclusions is tricky. Without going into spoilers here I’ll say that there’s one pair of characters who could hypothetically be swapped for others. It would require some work on my part to write up some new questionnaires, but that’s a really good idea for a future version. Thank you for suggesting it! The other two required characters are fairly directly important to illustrating the nature of The Company, and their sensitive topics are ones that cannot be avoided while playing this game. I’ve started making notes for the next version of the game to expand on that.

I’m glad you’ve enjoyed reading the game, and when you get a chance to run it I would love to hear how it went. Thanks again!