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A system-neutral, cuisine-themed adventure for your choice of d20 fantasy adventure games.

It's two pages, and there's only one piece of art, but it's a ridiculously strong one, and the adventure follows suite.

Basically, you're press-ganged into playing iron chef for a demon (which you can kill if you figure out its weird and abstract allergy,) and the adventure is about scurrying around the area and gathering ingredients to avoid his wrath. The GM also gets to narrate the whole thing as Bakto, and this adds a wonderful extra layer to the gameplay.

In keeping with the theme, everything is dripping with flavor. The monsters, treasure, ingredients, and encounters are all internally consistent, creative, and fun, and the adventure has a frantic tone to it, but shouldn't actually feel rushed due to the adventure clock being measured in 'the time it takes to fully interact with a room or run down a hall.'

Depending on what system you're using, you may have to fill in some details for monsters / items / spells. Something like AD&D or Into The Odd will probably involve the least work, whereas something like 5e might involve the most---but even then, it's not an onerous amount of labor.

Overall, I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to slot a quirky side-job into their campaign, or who wants to run a super charming, distinctive one-shot.

This is a great addition to a gaming library, and while it might torpedo the tone of a deeply serious game, it should work great in basically anything else.