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(1 edit)


this game really caught me off guard. 

it is genuinely the best nsfw game i've ever played.

i loved every bit of it and i really related to Zack and his sexuality issues. thank you so much for this.

also, the characters' development was amazing. the story was just surprisingly very well written and absolutly fantastic.

now i can't wait for the next update!! is there a date? also, since we won't be able to use the saves from the last update, are we going to play through the entire story all over again? 

ps: the body hair looked great! nice details



hey thanks for the love. Saying it's the best NSFW game out there is a decent compliment considering that i felt like it was so niche in the beginning. A lot of people just look for straight up porn stuff and this game completely throws that out the window for story-based content and just happens to not have limits related to any content (including the sexual stuff). There's currently not an ETA on the next update. Covid destroyed my current work schedule but I'm still working on it. It'll drop on my Patreon first for the supporters there and then I'll update the link for the free version 3 weeks after that. I'm glad you related to the story, it's close to my heart and very personal to me so I'm glad it reached you. Thanks for the support :)