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Thanks so much! I do hope to continue work on it, maybe not right away, as I have a few other mini project ideas but I would be doing the systems programming and all the asset creation a disservice in scrapping it at this point haha!

Thanks for your awesome plugins, I also think I used the LinearLight blend mode effect on this (or at least I was using it at one stage of development, wasn't that one of your plugins as well?)

I am quite proud of the control system, there is a lot of tech to it when you dig deep, and if you consider that it also functions across mobile as well as mouse, KB & gamepad I think it does quite well. It's a bit harder but  I have completed the entire demo on mobile too.

I honnestly wanted the game to be more of a player exploration and figuring out what to do, there's no complex controls, and in the same way, aside from listing controls on the itch page, there's no tutorials. Sometimes I think it's a shame for it to be like that, it just doesn't work for some people, I had feedback from reddit of someone saying they couldn't complete the first level.  But I much prefer games that let you learn by playing rather than an initial scripted experience.