Cool thingy. The cutscenes felt a bit too random to
me, but I liked them. Also the overall puzzle, means collecting
the batteries was fun. Dialogues were done really well: no gameplay
interruption and minimum HUD.
I think it would be cool if you
could also pick up objects with a mouse click and not just with a
keypress. I liked the radio "secret" and would like to have
more stuff like that. Also in the outside world. You know I
would like to pick up the fake cars and throw them around....yeah
would be a different game i guess. Sorry ;-)
After the first
"death" the girl could maybe ask herself something like
"Wah..? What did happen?"
Is ist also correct, that I still
have the radio after I died?
...and when I replay I would like to
be able to skip the cutscenes.
Keep on! I'm interested on what is coming next :-)