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Thank you for taking a moment of your time to leave this comment! It made my day when I saw it :-)

It's not crunchy at all indeed, there's few rules and it was aimed at strong beginners to find creative ways to find and solve a puzzle (how to find a suitable target, how to find out what would be a good gift for them, how to acquire said gift, and how to plant it without leaving a trace..). It was first published in a family-friendly Co-op, so it was more conceived as "empathy/problem solving exercises for kids" :p


Happy to help! I'm used to sites where everyone reviews everything, so I'm trying to make sure I leave at least a bit of feedback for every tabletop game I've gotten (although I backed the bundle, so I'm probs going to be writing reviews for a while.)

Anyway, I really like the game. I'm outside of the target demographic, so the jenga block stuff is just advice for anyone that's in the same situation. It's def not a game bug, more 'here's how I would adapt the recipe for my own cooking.'