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Sorry for the late reply, Yes we have tried. You might be right about the firewall but I don't really have anything open that might cause for it not to appear for me or my friends. Even then though, I don't see any rooms anywhere when I check the Join Section... Should I have just tried restarting my client when they create a game?

What you can try is booting up two instances of the game on your computer. Host a room on one instance and then check on the other to see if the room pops up.
If that doesn't work then I'm afraid I'm out of ideas.

It worked, but does the game only connect Via Lan play only, because when we were running the game through just regular internet there was no rooms appearing. Also thank you for the quick responses! They really helped get this issue out there!

(1 edit)

No it's server-based multiplayer so that's not the issue. It really sounds like your internet is blocking a connection it shouldn't, but I'm not an expert on that part.
I'm glad I can help, even if it's just a little. ;)