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The experience of playing through Gemina Umbra is therapeutic, calming, and meditative. All it takes is hitting play to understand the passion that went into this project; given life by the expert artistic and narrative direction of Amanda Sartor. 

For anyone that has a soft spot for courage the cowardly dog, the grim adventures of billy and mandy, or grew up keeping yourself up at night with reruns of paranormal state, this is for you my fellow children of the night. 

This game is morbid-lite and is almost cheerful as you follow a procession of melodic and delicate ambient sounds that follow you, haunt you, implore you to proceed from space to space. Even now I find myself wanting, tempted, enticed to submerge back into this world, even though I've played through the prologue and starting 1st Chapter several times! 

Using and playing upon the history of physic readings as well as some of the playfully debunked tactics used by false physics, you are brought into the world of a female presenting character that is haunted and is listening to a presence to guide her. Is it her own intuition or is it her passed away twin? Or a bit of both? Progressing from room to room to you will explore the gorgeous macabre details in every nook and cranny of the environments, collect evidence, and experience two possible overall tones and environmental treatments that the game has built in. It is enjoyable and repeatable with a good cup of tea and a cookie.

Where will this story take us? We do not quite know yet but we travel foreword with ease, guided perhaps by an invisible spirit that manifests by you as you look over your shoulder. 


Thank you for your beautiful review! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the experience!