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Heya, Walter. Yes, it is possible, and I would love to see the game being translated to the other languages, however right now, with the script still being under construction, it will be a difficult task to both implement and follow all the changes. It is a thing on my 'to do' list, but I can't promise it will be coming soon. Thank you for your comment! Cheers from Poland.

(1 edit)

Okay, I'll wait. I immediately had two questions(also related with translation):

1. The game will be able to translate only your patrons?
2. Can I translate through my phone? Yes, I have an ancient laptop, but I rarely use it
If you need translators in the future, write then, I will be happy to help(it will be sad if I can't translate throught phone...)
Also do a FAQ so that less questions are asked (◔‿◔)
(sorry if I ask too many questions ಥ‿ಥ)