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I am FLOORED by this comment โ€“ thank  you endlessly for your thoughtful notes. That you paid so much attention to the game is making my heart happy ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š  I'm so glad you love Oliver. Emotionally constipated is often my go to choice in these games, so I try to do him justice. 

I use Harlowe for Twine because SugarCube stressed me out. But at this point, I've started doing so many workarounds for Harlowe I might as well have just started out using SugarCube in the first place...ah, well. So glad you like the menus and colors! It's hard to figure out what is too much for the eye after a while working on the same game, so I'm happy it's not too intrusive.

The multiple saves will actually be the death of me. I spent so long trying to make it work and save as current date/time and eventually I just had to accept defeat. The multiple saved slots seemed like an okay compromise, but I'll still be pissed off about the saves when I'm a retired old woman.

THANK YOU for catching the Elle/Ezra bugs. They should be fixed now! 

Thrilled you felt the more "apocalyptic" vs. modern-type elements were balanced well. This isn't supposed to be too far in the future, so it's not supposed to feel so divorced from reality that it's a completely different world. At least, that's what I'm attempting to go for.

The Council may or may not be...catching hands...a few chapters down the line.

THANK YOU AGAIN for playing from the bottom of my heart! ๐Ÿ’š