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Here are my thoughts:  

Art style is fun, the placements of the environment makes it clear where you want the player to go.  I like the characters a lot, love how goofy they are.  animations are great.  

I also have the same problem as tentative and sponsman with the minions being stuck on rocks and edges. this ends up me finishing the second level without any minions which is pretty frustrating (it does invites me to replay it a few times but after 3 times being frustarted I didnt want to play anymore).

The part where the monsters are shooting projectiles at you feels extremely unfair, I wish there was something I could do about them (maybe throwing a minion at them to disable them for a small period).

I don't know what the differences are between red and blue minions, this isn't clear. 

I know this game has a lot of potential and can be a lot of fun, but its the end of the MVP stage. still here are some points that could be maybe improved for potential future development.
- I miss the noise of the environment I think this could add a lot to the player experience. 
- I would like to see interaction with the environment, like collect a certain amount of minions to move stuff or throw objects at enemies.
- maybe customizations on the king to make it extra goofy

At the moment traversal is good enough for the MVP, I do hope you guys can fix the Collisions for the final build, Good luck! and can't wait to play it :)