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Itch review text sorta just vanishes into the void, and I just learned that, so I'm copying it here as a comment.


This is lovely. It leans hard into the zine feel with its layout, but the charcoal art is just as lush in the book as it looks on the profile, and the language is grounded and tactile.

Gameplay-wise, Ground Itself quick and easy to set up. It takes a bit of an odd angle (you're observing a place, rather than characters,) but that gives it a lot of charm, and it mixes collaborative choices ('where is our game set?') with mechanical disruptions ('a d6 tells us whether we come back to the place in a day, or 1,000 years into the future,') which might not be to everyone's taste, but that I liked.

As of 6.19.20, I was able to find a typo on page 9 ("each player is dealt cards the from the"), but that was the only one I spotted.

I also wasn't 100% certain of the intended flow of gameplay as I was reading through the first half of the book, but there's a summary of gameplay on page 13 that helps significantly to clarify things, and I kind of wish it was used earlier.

Overall, this is a neat storytelling game with stunningly beautiful artwork, a novel premise, and a lot of cool ideas. I think I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to spend a few hours telling a chill story with friends.