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As someone who has no idea what Touhou is, I found myself not very gripped by the story. I really enjoy the music, and the graphics were very well done. I reached about the fist time Maribel went to the dream world, which is not far. I think an RPGmaker game isn't great for a game jam, as they take to long. While playing the opening, there were a few things I would like to share:

If you open with a scripted battle scene, I would suggest it not take any longer then necessary. The fact that there were some 5 turns in wich all I could do was spam select, and nothing happend is not great for the pacing. And especially when the ''delusions'' missed was frustrating.

Lampshading that a charcter is able to do impossible things, like how Renko could hide something in Maribel's room in the beginning, can really take one out of the moment. It damages the coherenty of the world, especially for something that could have been given so differently.

Minor movement annoyance: the walls feel very sticky, and I think it comes because you can't move diagonally alongside walls. If I have a wall north of me, and press up and right, it would be nice if I moved right, instead of standing still.