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Just curious if their will be a more open pathway in the next update played through episode 6 and while I like the story development and the overall plot, I feel like there is no harem route just some fwb. I also feel like MC is forced into a relationship with Emily (totally not my type) and there is not going to be a different ending. Maybe I am jumping to conclusions but we are 6 chapters in and the only person MC has actually had intercourse with is Ashley who at this stage I am not a fan of. A prostitute and Dominatrix at the same time? No rubber? God I hope I don't get hep c or HIV... Then Samantha she is absolutely my type but the vibe I am getting is that there will only possibly be an fwb scenario with her which I would prefer the possibility to actually pursue her. Also what about the fact that she wants MC to talk to mommy even though MC has clearly stated he has no interest in it? Even parolees have rights... unless this takes place in some country where freedom is forbidden. I just feel like MC as we are going through story in that role isn't getting enough decision making power over who he wants to pursue long term maybe more open ended choices and less author steering would be preferable even if the route leads to failure or something at least make choosing an option. I love the artwork it is impeccable and I do like the way you have an actual story instead of just insta sex like so many others so please take my points as constructive criticism.  Thanks and best of luck on the next release. 

Is a lineal history, at the beginning of the game you have the illusion that you will have at least a couple of options, in the course of the game, but when you get to chapter 5, you already realize that he is only one path, it's he first game, must be feel very intimidated by the Python software, maybe.

Disappointing... but understandable. I can't do this, don't have the know how so I guess I have to accept the work of others. I would like to do some script writing though, I like the idea of creating a story board.