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on my pre-0.4 saves the game basically broke, even after the hotfix. basically all my company income/loans is messed up. If i try to donate personal money to the company, the personal money also breaks. I also can't buy any of the managers, there are no clickable boxes where there should be 3. On a new save (post 0.4) i have zero problems

This is (one of) the error code(s) that i get when visiting company stats

Error: <<print>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read property 'toLocaleString' of undefined

<<print '$' + $companycosts.toLocaleString('en-US')>>

Well, yeah, it's in the changelog in big capital letters that you need a new savegame. Pre 0.4 saves don't work on 0.4 and above and there's nothing I can do about that.

ah, my bad. Thanks