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(1 edit) (-5)

Hello, Brawl Star community,   I have thought of a new  game mode called "Brawl Hunt" In this Game mode their is one brawler who is basically "it" and the other 9 brawlers are all in one team trying not to get hit. If the brawler who is "it" hits any of the other 9 brawler with his or her attacks then the brawler who got hit is also "it" with him. The Object is to try to be the last one standing. Think of it like Man hunt. Their could be a time limit or the regular smoke clouds to make sure it does not go on for to long  ..........Map similar to island invasion                                                                                                                                                                      

Also I have made a map for the map contest ( I have already commented about it but here it still is.)                                                                                                                                           Map key: P2lkPTVCMERBODM5QzA0QkE2OTYmbWFwPVRVRlFYekZ1WlhOVw==

Player id: 2GJG890PG                               Map Name: Lord of Brawl