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Hi everyone! If someone know when end this contest of Showdown map?Thx. And someone know if Mordeus send this map who we send the map for the contest. Thank for who answer to me!

I think it's until the 14th of June. I send the map here in the comments becuase it's what the rest of the people do. I think you have to put your brawl stars name and your brawl stars Tag incase you win.

Thx for answer to me, i do the map of showdown, i change it for more increase for win. I need soo much to win, i'm a F2P and i don't have so much gems (😥) In the comment of my post i write my nickname and ID/Tag. Thanks again for answer to me are italian?

No I'm Spanish. I'm also a F2P. I have really low gems too (becuase I bought horus bo when I could). How could you think I'm Itialian did you guess?

The name

Yes, i'm italian