Togrie: ok ok I make the best jokes uwu
Ann: no its cringy af -currently eating a barbie head icecrem-
Togrie: and you creepy ._.
Ann: iTs iCEcREm
arata: ○_○ i- indeed
Ann: if you keep talking ima make you a bug and turn into a freaky spooder like meh
Togrie: nOOoO nOt yEt nOT TrAinIng
Ann: and that's how you get her to shuttup uwu
arata: woaw
the more you know
Ann: go back to da void
Ok ;>;
Ann: -just kinda sits on the ground and finishes ice cream-
Arata: :3
Togrie: -currently hiding under a bench- ;w;
Ann: <>_<> it's not that bad you have done it before . .
Togrie: bUt iTs gROOosS
arata: :>
Ann: -le sneaks up from behind- TwT -gigantic spooder roar-
Togrie: F*cK thIs sHIt aM OUt
Ann: =w= . . Anyway what do you wanna do?
Arata: hmm i don't know. What do you wanna do?