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Suggestion and offer to help

A topic by Astro_Blue created Jun 02, 2020 Views: 210 Replies: 1
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Hi, I am new to CS and wanted to know if you wanted any help with your tool, I use it constantly and would love to help and use it as a bit of a project for myself to help me learn haha. Anyways, I was wondering if you would be willing to add a feature where the legend is collapse-able or an option to have it output as plaintext instead. I like to mark each room and give full descriptions of everything there and the legend box simply isn't meant for that so it would be nice to include a feature like that. Anyways if you want a hand with any of it my email is and I can do some simple programming and art assets.


Thanks a lot for your offer :)

That's an interesting idea, I'll definitely allow the optional export of the legend content in a separate file, instead of displaying it on screen.