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Overall I like the game so far. 

The weapons feel satisfying, with their chunky sound effects.  

The bullet time is fun when you can dash around and pull off head-shot combos. 

The graphics and art design are very nice, although a little dark at times. 

The enemies are nicely designed, and you can tell what they are from a distance, and with their sounds. 

My only complaints are the lack of a soundtrack, for parts of levels. (The parts with a soundtrack make the enemy encounters feel more intense.)

The movement feels a little bit slower without the dash. 

The walking sound effect can get a bit annoying at times especially when your lost and trying to find how to progress. 

Health Item pick ups feel a bit too common, making the game a bit easier. 

The game is great so far, I had so much fun with it. Can't wait to see the final product.


Thanks for your feedback!

All music and sound effects will be optimized at some point in the future, such as walking sound, etc.

Did you play the latest version(0.611h) or the older one? The new one has speed up the moving speed a bit, actually the speed of the character I will keep an eye on it, until it becomes satisfactory.

Health item:  I will optimize each difficulty in the future when the demons and levels reached a certain amount to make it more balance.

Thanks again buddy!