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Neat little game. I really like the sound, like others have said its very immersive  and well executed. I didn't really like the art style at first, but it grew on me and by the time I had eaten all the flies I was a fan. I guess my only criticism is that its not completely non violent, but if the birds really are "happy to see you" and do give you a soft landing back at the beginning I'll let you off :D. 

Thanks! Yeah, for the limitation I focused more on the gameplay being non-violent and I realized only at the very end that the theme may be seen as violent. (It's also really hard to do a failure state that doesn't imply death :)) In my mind it wasn't a big deal, I saw it just as part of the natural cycle of life and not as something grotesque or overtly violent, though I can easily see it both ways

Thanks for playing the game! :D